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Our Statement on Modern Slavery

Connection Technology is wholly committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities, and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. As part of the telecommunications sector, we recognise that we have a responsibility to provide ethical business activities including maintaining a slavery-free supply train. This statement is here to outline out zero-tolerance position on modern slavery, along with our actions to understand modern slavery risks related to the business and our preventative measures.


Relevant Policies:


Employee code of conduct: Our code of conduct highlights to employees the actions and behaviour expected of them whilst representing our company. When operating and managing our supply chain, we endeavour to uphold the highest standards of employee conduct and ethical behaviour.


Whistleblowing policy: In line with our whistleblowing policy, we encourage all our employees, customers, and other business partners to report any concerns related to Connection Technologies. This includes any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of human trafficking or slavery. Our whistleblowing procedure allows employees, customers, or others to raise any concerns without fear or retaliation.


Anti-slavery initiatives:


Due diligence investigations: We recognise that Connection Technologies has a due diligence to carry out investigations on new suppliers and review its existing suppliers. Our due diligence report include:


  • Highlighting a product or geographical areas risks of modern slavery and human trafficking for all new suppliers. Any high-risk suppliers must be flagged to the Managing Director or Operations Manager.

  • Assessing the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking for a product or geographical areas on an annual basis for all current suppliers.

  • Conducting supplier assessments with a focus on human rights – especially slavery and human tracking where general risks are identified.

  • Invoking sanctions against suppliers that fail to improve their ethical standards in relation to slavery and human trafficking.




To help maintain a supply chain free from modern slavery, we require our staff to complete in-house training on modern slavery. Our slavery training covers:


  • The Modern slavery Act 2015

  • How to assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking in relation to our suppliers, and business.

  • How to identify the signs of slavery and human trafficking.

  • How to report any suspected slavery or human trafficking.

  • The steps our organisation should take if suppliers do not implement anti-slavery policies within high[1]risk scenarios. This includes removing them from Connection Technologies supply chain.

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